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尾声, 肖邦f小调第四叙事曲 (第4/4页)
had thought his sons dead. 老布德里斯以为儿子们早已不在人世。 Through the high-piling drift comes a youth riding swift, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了一位纵马疾驰的青年, &039;Neath his mantle rich booty doth hide: 斗篷之下,丰盛的战利品隐约可见: "Ah, a Novgorod kettle full of silver-bright metal!" “啊,这定是诺夫哥罗德的银器在闪光!” - "Nay, my father, a Polish bride!" “不,父亲,这是我的波兰新娘!” Through the high-piling drift comes a youth riding swill, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了第二位纵马疾驰的青年, &039;Neath his mantle rich booty doth hide: 斗篷之下,丰盛的战利品隐约可见: "Ah, amber, my son, in the German land won&039;" “啊,我的儿子,这定是琥珀,来自你征服的德国土壤。” - "Nay, my father, a Polish bride!" “不,父亲,这是我的波兰新娘!” Through the high-piling drift rides the third. Ah, his gift, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了第三位疾驰的青年, &039;Tis the pride of the west and the east! 他的战利品,足以令东方和西方都为之骄傲。 But while yet it is hidden, old Budrys has bidden 虽然那战利品秘而不宣,老布里德斯却已经发布邀请, His guests to the third wedding feast. 让他的客人们快去参加第三次婚宴。 (完) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 作者留言:肖叙四据说是肖邦根据这首波兰叙事诗作曲的,就用来做结尾吧~ 我个人很喜欢这首诗也很喜欢肖叙四,斗胆翻译了一下放在结尾了 谢谢大家的资瓷XD