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C48吊桥效应 woo18.v (第4/5页)
上无数讨厌我的人等着用键盘捅我一刀。” I believe…whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.索萨的中二之魂仿佛又烧了起来,“不想笑就躲开吧,我带你看黑暗骑士。” “我在杜布罗夫尼克酒店订了房间。”可可摇头,“我不喜欢里面的英国演员,学院味太重了,就像利物浦口音,总是让人出戏。” “不是蝙蝠侠,我更喜欢里面的反派。” “你要把这玩意染成绿的吗?”她卷起了一缕头发,无论哪版的小丑,都少不了一头绿毛。 “不是今天。”他低下头不再看她,“不是现在。” 青少年的心情,利物浦的天,说变就变。 “想听我唱爱尔兰民谣吗?”可可敲了敲桌子,“我不能陪你把头染绿,唱首歌还是可以的。” “爱尔兰民谣?你确定不是喝醉了说胡话。” “别以为仗着好看就能为所欲为,只有英国人才能拿爱尔兰人开涮。”接梗大师可上线,“我是乡村音乐出身,唱民谣对我来说不难好吗。” 在总督广场附近向卖艺人借了一把吉他,她唱起了高威湾,这首爱尔兰歌曲在可可心里的地位大约介于莎拉·布莱曼的斯卡布罗集市和仙妮亚·唐恩的女人本色之间。 If you ever go across the sea to Ireland, then maybe at the closing of your day. You sit and watch the moon rise over Claddagh, and see the sun go down on Galway Bay… 利物浦、马德里、多特蒙德、巴塞罗那、萨格勒布、高威…没有一处是她的家乡。 Just to hear again the ripple of the trout stream, the women in the meadow making hay. Just to sit beside the turf fire in a , and watch the barefoot gosoons as they play, for the breezes blowing o&039;er the sea&039;s from Ireland… 动听的歌声引来了行人的驻足,音乐无国界,这话不假,歌声的确能让说着不同语言,拥有不同文化的人产生共情。 Are perfumed by the heather as they blow, and the women in the uplands digging praties. Speak a language that the strangers do not know, yet the strangers came and tried to teach us their ways. And they sed us just for being what we are, but they might as