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远风来 41 (第2/3页)
d chased after her.”(我们开车在她身后追) “I dare not chase too fiercely, I only dare to follow step by step,Please issue instructions.”(不敢追太狠,只敢一步一跟,请您示下) 连衡听完周身愈发的寒冷,但他还是要再次确保:“Don&039;t hurt her.”(不要伤害她) “Yes.”(是) 上次逃跑是偷偷摸摸,这次逃跑明目张胆。 可见她好像并不希望自己的过错强加到别人身上。 车开得横冲直撞? 约摸着开车的技术并不是很好,连衡想到此眼神犀利起来:“Where is the car currently driving?”(现在开车到哪了) “We&039;ve arrived at the gas station in the suburbs.”(到郊区的加油站了) “Miss Pei got off the car and was refueling. Should I have someone tie her up?”(裴小姐下车在加油,我该让人把她绑起来吗) 一股悄然降临的危险之感散发在交谈上,连衡的脸上却无半点情绪:“Follow her and report her location to me in real-time.”(跟着她,实时向我汇报她的位置) “I sent someone to get off the car and negotiate with her…”(我派人下车和她谈判) “Miss Pei sneered and told us to shut up!”(裴小姐冷笑了一声叫我们闭嘴) 连衡气压低迷,眼底悄然而逝一抹火气:“Whether she insults you or beats you, You guys have to endure it.”(不管她是辱骂你们还是打你们,给我受着) “Yes…”(是…) 连衡一边接听电话,一边吩咐佣人给他备车。 他一副要走的样子,宾客想要阻拦,奈何他的脸色并不会在交谈中给他们留面子,只得眼睁睁的看着,看人从宴厅离场。 想要攀着交谈一番的权贵相互对视一眼,都从中看出一句话:咱们也不是